Arnaud Arindra Adiyoso Setio is a research scientist at Lunit Inc., focusing on deep learning, medical image analysis, and computer-aided diagnosis. Previously, he worked at Siemens Healthineers. During his PhD, he was a student at the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group working on automatic lung nodule detection and classification in chest CT, supervised by Bram van Ginneken. He studied Electrical Engineering for his bachelor’s degree at Institut Teknologi Bandung and completed his master’s degree at Eindhoven University of Technology.
During his free time, he is actively involved in music ensembles, mostly orchestra, and angklung. He was a conductor of Nusantara Student Ensemble (string) and Angklung Eindhoven.
Research interest: deep learning, image processing, computer-aided-diagnosis, computer vision, video processing, digital electronic design, computer architecture